It has been a while since I have had a pair that fits me so I was really (really, really, really....) wanted a pair, but mom only said maybe. Maybe usually means "no" but I will tell you about the day anyway.
It was a normal and boring day when my family was grocery shopping at the usual stores, We go to a lot of stores to get the best deals (Aldi, Price Chopper, Costco, ya get the point). But grocery shopping day, today wasn't as mundane as the others, because in the Costco ad I saw a pair of booties. I asked mom if I could get a pair and she said, "maybe." So I was on my best behavior, in hopes that I would for sure get my pair of booties. After visiting a few stores, we finally got to Costco, a wonderful place filled with free samples, discounted books and the BOOTIES!!!!!!!!! (Okay, I like booties a little too much but I mean who doesn't?) So we walked around the store until we found the shoe aisle where mom and I tried on the house shoes. I slipped the first one on; AHHH, it felt like heaven! Then the second, heaven again! Right when I started thinking this was going to be the best grocery shopping day of my life, BANG. The horrible news train came through, whoo, whoo! "I'm sorry Olivia I don't think we can get these." "What?!?!" I wanted to say but I let it be. I did kind of pout and go the rest of the afternoon with a frown on my face. ): I was feeling pretty low so when we finally got home, I went to my room to think. It is okay to be disappointed, but it isn't okay to pout, my attitude was ungrateful. Suddenly, I heard a soft knock on the door "come in" I said. My Mom came in to talk to me but before she could say anything I saw she was wearing my new pair of booties. I tugged them of of my mom's feet and squeezed her. She had bought them as a Christmas gift, but seeing how disappointed I was she decided to let me have them early, Best Mom Ever!!!

It was silly of me to mope about a pair of shoes when I have so much to be thankful for. Like having these warm booties or even enough socks. Did you know that the number one request for homeless shelters is socks? Here is a little video explaining why: BEE BETTER. I Love it when others help each other and make something great, by helping homeless people.
Did you know that 1 out of 45 children in the U.S. alone are homeless? I can't imagine having to go to bed on the street for possibly weeks, months or maybe years! Or having to skip meals because not having enough money. I used to think that I could help people like this, but I didn't know how! Luckily my mom stepped in and I found a bunch of things that I can do to help. If you would like to help, here are some very simple, easy ways you can:
- You can donate food to a homeless shelter.
-Volunteer at a food pantry.
-Give clothes (socks, jackets, etc.)
-Or just participate in your local food or toy drives.